Privacy Policy

HireUp Funnels is committed to preserving your privacy and protecting your information. We’d like this to be a privacy policy you can actually read, so we’re keeping it short. If you have any questions, please email us at

What We Collect and How We Use It

We use the contact information that you provide (name, address, email, telephone number, etc.) for the following legitimate purposes: to process your order, maintain our transaction records, register you for events or enter you in giveaways.

We use cookies to enable the shopping cart checkout process. We also use cookies to keep you “logged in.”
If you use a login on our site, we capture your user identity number and maintain that number in our system, so that we may better understand our customer’s behavior and content preferences.
We track for information such as number of people who visit particular web pages and how long people spend on our website. We only track this information in the aggregate, and we never match usage data to any personally identifiable information. We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 13.
We use third-party tracking code to understand our visitors’ traffic and conversion behavior. We may use this tracking to present engagement offers to certain visitors. We do not share this data and do not use it for any other purpose.
We enable Google Analytics to collect demographic data about our site visitors via Google advertising cookies and identifiers. We use this information only in the aggregate and do not share it with any other entity.
Re: Google Analytics demographic data: we do not identify users or facilitate the merging of personally identifiable information with non-personally identifiable information collected through any Google advertising product or feature. We do not attempt to disaggregate data that Google reports in aggregate.
We don’t share your email address with any outside parties unless you opt-in for such correspondence, or we notify you about sharing on our registration forms. We may share your name and postal address with third party customers to provide you with information we feel may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive these postal mailings, please contact us at and we’ll remove you from the postal list we share.
We use external partner platforms to manage our email alerts and newsletters, record subscriptions, facilitate reprints and permissions, and deliver event certificates. Each email you receive contains an easy, automated way for you to stop receiving email from us. External partners facilitate data processing only and have no rights to HireUp Funnels customer data.
If you have received unwanted, unsolicited email sent by us or purporting to be sent by us, please forward a copy of that email with your comments to
We retain your personal information as long as necessary to provide with you such services. If you no longer wish to hear from us, you can always contact us at
Data Security
We are committed to providing you with a safe online experience. Our entire site employs secure encryption technology (SSL) to reduce the possibility of theft, manipulation, and other alteration of any information that you provide to us. We never store your information longer than necessary.
Audits and Certifications
HireUp Funnels has completed and/or maintains the following data protection audits and certifications:
HireUp Funnels has completed a PCI DSS level-one onsite assessment and was validated against the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. A Certificate of Compliance has been issued to the Company and is available upon request.
Your Data that You submit to HireUp Funnels services is stored with third party infrastructure service providers (the “Data Center Providers”) in multiple locations with automated and regularly scheduled multi-region and geographically remote backups. Additionally, all infrastructure configuration information is maintained separately from the Data Center Providers. Secondary locations are provisioned with sufficient computational, network, and storage resources to replace the functionality of the primary locations and restore the services if required.
Vendor Risk Management
HireUp Funnels ensures that Data Center Providers have recently completed a Service Organization Controls (SOC) 2 Type II audit. Additionally, those third parties are contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality of Your Data to the fullest extent allowed by applicable law.
Physical Security Controls
• Access to the Data Center Providers' data center facilities is restricted to authorized personnel only.
• The Data Center Providers' data center facilities are secured by professional security guards.
• A physical access control system (ID card and/or biometric) has been implemented at entry and exit points of the Data Center Providers' data center facilities.
• All visitors must be escorted by an employee of the Data Center Providers or, in some cases, a permanent badge-holder at all times when visiting the Data Center Providers' data center facilities.
Availability and Disaster Resistance
• The Data Center Providers' data center facilities are designed, built, and maintained to withstand reasonably foreseeable adverse weather and other natural conditions.
• Processing capacity is monitored on a daily basis.
• The Data Center Providers have installed and maintain at least the following environmental protections:
• Cooling systems
• Battery-powered backup electrical supply and/or backup electrical generators
• Redundant communications lines
• Smoke/fire detectors
• Automatic fire suppression systems
• The status of environmental protections is continuously monitored by the Data Center Providers.
• Environmental protections are tested and maintained regularly by the Data Center Providers.
HireUp Funnel's Data Security Controls
Technical Security Controls

HireUp Funnels maintains at least the following technical security controls and policies:
• The HireUp Funnels-authored software application product offerings provide end-to-end encryption using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol version 1.2 or higher with a minimum of 128 bit encryption for personal data in transit.
• Personal data within HireUp Funnels-authored software application product offerings is encrypted using, at a minimum, AES-256.
• The HireUp Funnels-authored software application product offerings and IT systems are regularly scanned/monitored for vulnerabilities.
• The HireUp Funnels-authored software application product offerings and IT systems are patched expeditiously.
• External points of connectivity in the HireUp Funnels network architecture are protected by firewall(s).
• Network and database activity are logged and actively monitored for potential security events including intrusion.
• HireUp Funnels user passwords are stored in a one-way hash.
Administrative Security Controls
HireUp Funnels maintains at least the following administrative security controls and policies:
• Physical and logical access to IT systems that process Your Data is limited to those officially authorized persons with an identified need for such access.
• HireUp Funnels conducts pre-employment background checks to help ensure employee reliability.
Tracking Activity
Our advertisers may place a cookie on your machine, so that they may serve relevant ads to you on other sites, or combine your visit data to our site with other information sources they may have. This cookie does not in any way identify you or give the advertiser access to your computer. We do not allow our advertisers to collect personally identifiable information from our visitors.
Notice and Rights for Individuals in the EEA
By providing information directly to HireUp Funnels, you consent to the transfer of your personal information outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) to the United States. You understand that the current laws and regulations of the United States may not provide the same level of protection as the data and privacy laws and regulations of the EEA.
You have the right in certain circumstances to (1) access your personal information; (2) to correct or erase information; (3) restrict processing; and (4) object to communications, direct marketing, or profiling. To the extent applicable, the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation provides further information about your rights. You also have the right to lodge complaints with your national or regional data protection authority.
If you are inclined to exercise these rights, we request an opportunity to discuss with you any concerns you may have. To protect the personal information we hold, we may also request further information to verify your identify when exercising these rights. Upon a request to erase information, we will maintain a core set of personal data to ensure we do not contact you inadvertently in the future, as well as any information necessary for HireUp Funnels archival purposes. We may also need to retain some financial information for legal purposes, including US IRS compliance. In the event of an actual or threatened legal claim, we may retain your information for purposes of establishing, defending against or exercising our rights with respect to such claim.
Privacy Policy Changes
Any changes to our policy will be posted on this page. This policy was last revised on November 3rd, 2023.
Contact Us
If you have questions or concerns about this policy, please send e-mail to